LEAP 2025 Social Studies Grade 5 Pre Test

LEAP 2025 Social Studies Grade 5 Pre Test

Teacher Name: Theresa Meredith

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Section 1

Read and study the sources about the early American History. Then use the four sources and your knowledge of social studies to answer questions 1–5.

Source 1

Source 2

Excerpt from The Voyage of John de Verazzano, along the Coast of North America, from Carolina to Newfoundland, A.D. 1524.

This journal entry describes Native Americans Verrazano saw on his journey in 1524. Verrazano journeyed up the coast of North America.

Source 3

Portrait of Hernando de Soto

This print is of the Spanish explorer Hernando de Soto. De Soto is wearing a suit of armor. De Soto was called a conquistador. This means "conqueror" in Spanish. They were professional soldiers. He conquered some of the land of the Incas in Peru for gold and fame. De Soto explored parts of Florida and was the first European explorer to discover the Mississippi River.

Source 4

Bering Land Bridge

The map below is of the Bering Land Bridge. It connected present-day Russian and Alaska. Many Native American peoples reached America by crossing that bridge. Later, when the climate changed, the Bering Land Bridge melted. Today, there are 50 miles of seawater between eastern Russia and western Alaska.

1 pt Standard: 5.1.2, 5.2.2, DOK: 2

Examine Source 2 to answer this question. Verranzo thought that the Native Americans he met looked as if they were –

1 pt Standard: 5.1.1, 5.2.1 DOK: 1

Examine Source 1 to answer this question. The Native Americans Verranzo met were descended from people who came to America __ before Verranzo and other Europeans showed up.

1 pt Standard: 5.2.2 DOK: 2

Examine Source 3 to answer this question. Hernando de Soto was one of a group of Spaniards most commonly known as the –

1 pt Standard: 5.4.2 DOK: 1

Examine Source 4 to answer this question. What are the two oceans named on the map?

1 pt Standard: 5.1.3, 5.1.4, 5.2.1, 5.2.2, DOK: 3

Examine all the sources one more time to answer this question. Were the Native Americans the true owners of North America? Or did the European explorers have a good reason, or right, to come and claim the land?

Read and study the sources about the Native American History. Then use the four sources and your knowledge of social studies to answer questions 6–10.

Source 1

Native American Mounds

The photo above is of a sacred Native American mound. The mounds were built between 2,200 to 1,600 years ago. They are located primarily in the Midwest and Southeast. The mounds had many different uses. Sometimes, they were used for religious ceremonies and burials. There are some types of mounds that the Native Americans used as houses.

Source 2

The Aztec Indians

The Aztec Indians lived in what is central Mexico today. The Aztecs appeared in Mexico around the 13th century. They had large cities with temples and markets. Among their accomplishments, the Aztecs created a calendar, pictured above, hot chocolate, and the sport of basketball. Their culture thrived for centuries until the European invasion. Spanish Conquistador Hernan Cortes conquered the Aztec people in 1521 with advanced weapons, disease, and allying with other tribes. The former capital of the Aztecs became Mexico City.

Source 3

The Sacred Buffalo

The buffalo is sacred to numerous Native American tribes around North America. Native Americans had a spiritual and physical link to the animal. They believed buffaloes were the givers of life. When the Native Americans hunted buffalo, it was a sacred ritual. They used each part of the buffalo and wasted nothing.

Source 4

Native Americans and Corn

Corn is called maize in many Native American languages. Corn was one of the most important crops to Native Americans. The crop was first grown in Mexico around 7,000 years ago. The crop spread northward into United States. Indian women ground the corn into corn meal. They made corn syrup, too. The husks from the corn became beds for the tribe. Dolls were made of corn husks for children. In some Native American mythology, it was said people were made of corn meal. There was also a Native American spirit that was associated with corn, making it a sacred plant.

1 pt Standard: 5.2.1 DOK: 2

Look at Source 1. Select three correct answers. Native Americans used large earthen mounds as –

1 pt Standard: 5.2.3

Look at Source 2. Select three correct answers. Hernan Cortes and his small force of Spaniards managed to conquer the Aztec Empire because –

1 pt Standard: 5.2.1 DOK: 2

Look at Source 3. Which two of the following sentences explain why the buffalo was sacred to so many Native American tribes?

1 pt Standard: 5.2.1 DOK: 2

Examine Source 4 to answer this question. Which statement is most accurate concerning the raising of maize, also known as Indian corn?

1 pt Standard: 5.2.3 DOK: 3

If Hernan Cortes had not conquered the Aztecs, do you think their culture would have survived? Why or why not?

1 pt Standard: 5.2.1 DOK: 2

Examine Source 1 to answer this question. What was most likely the most important use for this sacred mound?

1 pt Standard: 5.1.2, 5.1.4, 5.2.1 DOK: 1

Examine Source 2 to answer this question. In what ways is this Aztec calendar different from the traditional calendar you see on the wall in your school today?

1 pt Standard: 5.1.2, 5.2.1 DOK: 1

Look at Source 3. Which two of the following choices identify one of the animals pictured and its continent of origin?

1 pt Standard: 5.1.2, 5.2.1 DOK: 2

Look at Source 4. Select three correct answers. The Native Americans used corn –

1 pt Standard: 5.1.2, 5.1.4, 5.2.1 DOK: 3

Examine all the sources one more time to answer this question. Did the Native American peoples use all the materials or things that were available to them? Explain your answer.

1 pt Standard: 5.8.1, DOK: 2

Imagine you are a European clothing maker sewing the clothes shown in the image above. There is a large demand for the clothing you make. Of the places below, from what location would the supply of cotton used to make the clothes in a factory of Europe come from?

1 pt Standard: 5.4.2, DOK: 2

Juan wants to draw a map of his grandfather’s farm. He wants it to show where trees, streams, large rocks, and his grandfather’s barn are located. Juan should make sure he includes a

1 pt Standard: 5.1.1, DOK: 3

At which point on the timeline above would one most likely expect to find British settlers moving into Florida and west of the Appalachian Mountains?

1 pt Standard: 5.3.2 DOK: 2

Whom of the following would have most likely had the best relationship with Native Americans during early colonization?

1 pt Standard: 5.2.1 DOK: 2

Which cultural group would the tribe in the picture above most likely belong to?

1 pt Standard: 5.3.4 DOK: 2

Which two of the following men founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony?

1 pt Standard: 5.5.1 DOK: 2

Shipbuilders in the original thirteen colonies would most likely live

Session 2

Read and study the sources about early colonization of America. Then use the three sources and your knowledge of social studies to answer questions 23–26.

Source 1

Letter from Christopher Columbus to King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella (1493) about the Native population.

"The inhabitants are all, as I said before, unprovided with any sort of iron, and they are destitute of arms, which are entirely unknown to them, and for which they are not adapted; not on account of any bodily deformity, for they are well made, but because they are timid and full of terror. But when they see that they are safe, and all fear is banished, they are very guileless and honest, and very liberal of all they have. No one refuses the asker anything that he possesses; on the contrary they themselves invite us to ask for it. They manifest the greatest affection towards all of us, exchanging valuable things for trifles, content with the very least thing or nothing at all."

In this excerpt, Columbus is describing the fear that Natives had over the fort and the weapons Columbus and his men possessed. Secondly, Columbus describes the personality of the natives and the trading of goods between both sides.

Source 2

Colonization Map

Source 3

The First Thanksgiving

The first Thanksgiving was held at Plymouth in November 1621. The Pilgrim settlers were not well prepared for winter. They were running out of food. The Wampanoag tribe brought them food from their own harvest. This led to a peace treaty between the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag. This is a good example of two groups of strangers helping each other.

1 pt Standard: 5.2.4 DOK: 2

Look at Source 1. Christopher Columbus believed that the Native Americans lacked two things necessary for building a powerful civilization. Those two things were –

1 pt Standard: 5.1.2, 5.2.2 DOK: 2

Examine Source 1 to answer this question. Columbus described the Native Americans as –

1 pt Standard: 5.1.2, 5.3.3 DOK: 1

Examine Source 2 to answer this question. Which European nation claimed the largest section of North America at the time the map was produced?

1 pt Standard: 5.1.2, 5.1.3, 5.2.1 DOK: 2

Examine Source 3 to answer this question. Given what you see in the illustration, which of the following statements is most likely to be true?

Use the graphic organizer to answer question 27.

1 pt Standard: 5.3.3 DOK: 2

A colonial power is missing from the graphic organizer. Select the correct answer from the list below.

1 pt Standard: 5.3.2 DOK: 2

Examine Source 1. How did Columbus’ encounter with Native American inspire colonization? Select two correct answers.

Read and study the sources about the lives of colonial settlement and farming then use the sources and your knowledge of social studies to answer questions 29–34.

1 pt Standard: 5.3.5 DOK: 2

Which statement best describes how farming impacted the colonial economy?

1 pt Standard: 5.3.1 DOK: 1

John Rolfe saved the colony of Virginia by

1 pt Standard: 5.3.5 DOK: 2

Which colony was established specifically for farming?

1 pt Standard: 5.3.5 DOK: 2

Which three statements best describe parts – or sections – of Poor Richard’s Almanack?

1 pt Standard: 5.3.5, 5.3.7 DOK: 2

Who would have been most likely to read Poor Richard’s Almanack?

1 pt Standard: 5.1.4, 5.2.2, 5.3.6 DOK: 2

The Wampanoag Indians saved the Pilgrim colony by bringing it food in 1621. How did two men – John Smith and John Rolfe – help the Jamestown colony narrowly escape disaster?

Session 3

Read and study the sources about the French and Indian War. As you read, use the four sources and your knowledge of social studies to answer questions 35–39.

Source 1

General Edward Braddock

General Edward Braddock came from England in 1755. He was an experienced military leader. Braddock’s job, or task, was to capture French Fort Duquesne in western Pennsylvania. Braddock liked the young George Washington and assigned him to a place on his staff. Braddock’s mission began well but ended badly. He quarreled with several colonial leaders about wagons and supplies for his troops. He did not listen to Washington and others who warned him that the Indians might try an ambush. In July 1755, Braddock, his British soldiers, and the colonial militia were all ambushed just ten miles short of their goal. Braddock died in the fighting. Washington had many bullets come close to hitting him but sustained no actual wounds that day.

Source 2

French Expansion in the Ohio River Valley

France had a big empire in America, but it was mostly in the north. Britain had an empire that stretched along the East Coast. In-between were disputed areas, as well as Native American tribes. Britain did not want France to expand into the Ohio River Valley. Britain declared war on France. The French and Indian War involved Britain, France, and many Native American groups.

Source 3

Marquis Louis-Joseph de Montcalm

Marquis Louis-Joseph de Montcalm was an experienced French commander who made alliances with several Native American tribes. He led several successful campaigns during the French and Indian War. He is often remembered for the massacre that took place after he and his Indian allies captured Fort William Henry in upstate New York. Montcalm defended Quebec City against the British. He died in the Battle of Quebec in 1759.

Source 4

Excerpt from a Letter from George Washington to John St. Clair (1758) (Original English Spelling used)


Your favour of the 7th from Philadelphia I had the pleasure to receive this Evening. It gave the Officers here present and myself, a very sensible pleasure to find your Sentiments corrispond with ours on the measures taken with the Cherokee Indians. And we are not less pleasd to find you determind to Interest yourself for the well ordering of these Important matters; on the good regulation of which so much depends.

Great pains has already been taken to encourage the Indian Scouts to preserve their Prisoners. Some Officers and Volunteers in the Regiment have gone out to War with these Parties for this salutary end; but the hard Frosts, and exceeding deep Snows upon the Aligany Mountains, has forc’d most of them back again.

1 pt Standard: 5.3.7, DOK: 2

Examine Source 1 to answer this question. Which of the following statements best explains why General Braddock was defeated by the French and Indians in 1755?

1 pt Standard: 5.3.7, DOK: 2

Examine Sources 3 and 4 to answer this question. Who was the most important ally in the French and Indian War for the British and the French?

1 pt Standard: 5.3.7, 5.4.3 DOK: 2

Examine Source 2 to answer this question. Which of the following statements best describes the reason Great Britain declared war on France?

1 pt Standard: 5.1.3, 5.3.7, 5.4.3 DOK: 2

Examine Source 2 to answer this question. Why did both Britain and France want the Ohio River Valley?

1 pt Standard: 5.1.3, 5.1.4, 5.3.7 DOK: 3

Compare General Braddock with General Montcalm. What made each a good or bad leader?

Read and study the three sources about colonial economics and trade. Then use the three sources and your knowledge of social studies to answer questions 40–44.

Source 1

The French and Indian War ended in 1763. However, it left England with a huge debt because of Sir William Pitt’s wartime spending. The country had spent a large amount of money in the war to hire more soldiers to fight for the army. Attempts to pay for the cost of war by raising taxes in Britain led to riots. The British government decided to impose more taxes on the colonies to get out of debt. These acts of taxation were the steps that led to the American Revolution.

Source 2

The Sugar Trade

Sugar was mainly produced in the Caribbean islands. The climate was warm enough to grow sugar cane, and it was a profitable crop for the colonies. The demand for sugar was high in Europe, and it accounted for a large amount of Europe’s economy. Sugar plantations in the Caribbean were under the constant threat of a slave revolt. In some cases, the slave revolts were successful. Many resources, like money and soldiers, were used by colonial governments to protect sugar plantations.

Source 3

The Plantation Economy

The Southern Colonies were mostly agricultural. Plantations were large farms that grew cash crops. Southern cash crops included rice, cotton, sugar, tobacco, and indigo. Slaves worked on these plantations. They were brought from Africa on a journey called the Middle Passage. In turn, the Southern Colonies would send raw goods to Europe to make products. Cotton was sent to England to make fabric. Many plantations were built near rivers so they could ship their goods to the colonies. Plantations grew enough food and raised enough livestock to be independent.

1 pt Standard: 5.1.2, 5.3.3, 5.10.1 DOK: 2

Examine Source 1 to answer this question. Why did Great Britain need to raise taxes in the colonies?

1 pt Standard: 5.3.3, 5.8.1 DOK: 2

Examine Source 2 to answer this question. Which of the following statements best describes why European countries wanted as many colonies as possible in the Caribbean?

1 pt Standard: 5.5.1, DOK: 2

Examine Source 2 to answer this question. What was the primary (number-one) reason the Caribbean was the perfect environment for growing sugar?

1 pt Standard: 5.1.3, 5.10.1 DOK: 2

Which three of the following statements best explain a crucial impact of the French and Indian War?

1 pt Standard: 5.9.2 DOK: 2

Which three of the following were not major sources of income for people in the Southern Colonies?

1 pt Standard: 5.2.1, 5.4.2 DOK: 2

Examine the map to the right to answer this question. Which Native American empires ruled the regions labeled I and II?

Use the map below to answer question 46.

1 pt Standard: 5.4.1 DOK: 2

Examine the map above to answer this question. New Orleans lies closest to –

1 pt Standard: 5.2.1, 5.3.1 DOK: 2

Which of the following was the number-one means of transportation which Native Americans used when they engaged in trade with each other?

1 pt Standard: 5.5.2 DOK: 3

Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between the colonists and the physical environment of North America?

1 pt Standard: 5.6.1 DOK: 2

Examine the picture to the right of the a group of representatives. Congress is most like which colonial legislature pictured here?

1 pt Standard: 5.4.2, 5.9.1 DOK: 3

Examine the map below to answer this question. A colonist settling in New Orleans wants to become a successful merchant. He will most likely try to establish a trade line that extends along the –