LEAP 2025 ELA Grade 3 Pre Test

LEAP 2025 ELA Grade 3 Pre Test Sample

Different Kinds of Cats

1 There are many different kinds of cats roaming around all over the world. Felines belong in the Felidae family. There are over 40 different cat species. Some types of cats you know are the cheetah, jaguar, leopard, lion, tiger, and domestic cat. Cats live in every part of the world except Antarctica. The three kinds of Felidae cats include:

Panthera - These are cats that can roar, such as lions, tigers, leopards, snow leopards, clouded leopards, and jaguars.

Acinonyx - The only example of this cat is the cheetah.

Felis –The six kinds of felis cats are the domestic cat, Chinese mountain cat, jungle cat, sand cat, black footed cat, and wild cat.

2 Most of you know about lions, tigers, cheetahs, and leopards. But you probably have never heard of these four wild cats.

Jungle Cats

3 The jungle cat is the largest kind of felis cat. Jungle cats live India, Egypt, and Asia. They live in woodlands, grasslands, dry forests, and along rivers and lakes. They make their homes in abandoned burrows, tree holes, and under rocks.

4 The most unique feature of a jungle cat are equal-sized claws on its legs. This allows it to climb down trees as easily as up, with its head facing downward. Their fur is yellowish-grey to reddish-brown. They have pointed ears and long legs.

5 Jungle cats are active during the day. They mostly hunt rats, mice, frogs and birds. But they also hunt rabbits, reptiles, insects, fish, and wild pigs. Jungle cats are good swimmers. And they will swim under water to catch fish.

6 If you have a cat, you have seen the cat wash its face after a meal. All cats wash themselves after eating to get rid of the smell of food. Jungle cats swim in rivers and lakes after eating to get rid of the scent of their prey. Their natural enemies are crocodiles, bears, wolves, and other larger felines such as tigers. Most jungle cats live ten to twelve years in the wild.

Chinese Mountain Cats

7 Chinese mountain cats are felis cats that live in western China. They live in grasslands, wooded forests, shrublands, desert, and mountains. These cats are not seen very often. This is because they live in high altitudes and in harsh climates where it can be very windy, hot, or cold. Chinese mountain cats live in burrows.

8 Their fur is yellow/brown in color with dark markings on their bodies, legs and cheeks. They have light colored bellies, and their striped tail has a black tip. They have a stocky build and short legs.

9 Chinese mountain cats have long, bushy tails. The last part of its tail has dark rings around it that looks similar to a racoon’s tail. These cats are active at night. They hunt birds, mole rats, voles, and pikas. A pika is a small mammal that is related to rabbits.

10 The two main threats to Chinese mountain cats are people and domestic cats. The Chinese uses poison to kill voles, moles and pikas. The poison has killed so many of these animals that there are not as many of them for Chinese mountain cats to hunt. Domestic cats are also a threat to Chinese mountain cats. Domestic cats can give diseases to Chinese mountain cats such as feline leukemia and rabies. Domestic cats can also infect Chinese mountain cats with parasites like round worms and hook worms. No one knows exactly how long Chinese mountain cats live because the Chinese do not study them.

Sand Cats

11 Sand cats are small cats that live in the deserts. They can be found in Africa’s Sahara Desert. They also live in central Asia. They make their homes in burrows. Sand cats like living in very dry habitats with little vegetation. They live in dry plains and rocky valleys where conditions are harsh. Surface temperatures can reach 124 degrees during the day and drop to 31 degrees at night. Living in underground burrows protects sand cats from the heat and cold.

12 They have light sandy to grey- brown fur which is a little darker on the back and lighter on the belly. They have stripes on their legs. Red streaks run across their cheeks from the corner of both eyes. Sand cats have a broad head with large eyes and short ears. They also have short legs. Their tails have two or three rings and a black tip and make up half their body length.

13 Sand cats are active at night. They hunt rodents, birds, spiders, insects, and reptiles. They are not afraid of snakes and will even kill poisonous snakes. Sand cats do not need a lot of water to live. In fact, they can survive without drinking water for weeks at a time.

14 Humans are the biggest threat to sand cats. People catch sand cats and sell them to others to keep as pets. Sand cats are also killed by dogs and other predators. Sand cats that live in zoos and with humans can live thirteen years. No one knows how long they live in the wild. Black Footed Cats

15 Black-footed cats are the smallest Felis cat. They live in open, sandy grassy areas in southern Africa, Botswana, and Namibia. They like to live in areas that have large rodent and bird populations. During the day, they live in abandoned burrows or in holes in termite mounds. Very little is known about these cats because they are rarely seen.

16 They have cinnamon to light brown color fur with dark brown to black bands or rings on the chest, legs, and tail. Their tails are short with two or three black rings near the tip. They have short, flattened ears and large eyes. They get their name from the black pads and thick, black hair on the soles of their feet, which help protect them from the hot sand.

17 At night, they hunt rodents, birds, spiders, insects, and small reptiles. The hyena, jackal, and larger birds of prey are natural threats to black-footed cats. They can live thirteen years in the wild.


Which detail from the passage supports the answer to Part A?

Domestic Cats

1 Did you know that cats are the second most popular pet in America? More than 47 million people in America own at least one cat. Cats have been around for thousands of years. But many cat owners do not know much about the history of cats. Scientists believe that cats became domesticated 10,000 – 12,000 years ago. How did cats go from living in the wild to living with people?

Where Did Cats Come From?

2 Scientific studies show that domestic cats came from the African wild cat. These wild cats were the size of a large house cat. But the wild cats had longer legs. For thousands of years, wild cats lived near humans before they were domesticated. These cats lived in Africa. The also lived in the Middle Eastern countries of Cyprus, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Turkey, and Afghanistan. Later on, these cats moved into Asia and Europe. Over time, these wild cats decided they wanted to live with people.

Why Did Cats in the Wild Want to Live with Humans?

3 Many wild cats lived near farming communities. Mice and rats were attracted to crops, and the wild cats wanted to be near their favorite prey. Farmers liked having the wild cats around because they kept mice and rats out of their crops and barns. In turn, the wild cats got shelter and plenty of food to eat. Trading pest-control for food and shelter caused cats to want to be domesticated. The relationship the ancient Egyptians had with cats is an example of why cats wanted to live with people.

4 In ancient Egypt, cats were an important part of Egyptian life. Cats were adept hunters and kept rats and mice away from grain and other food supplies, and they killed deadly snakes. Ancient Egyptians also trained their cats to catch birds and fish. So thanks to cats, the ancient Egyptians had plenty of food to eat.

5 The Egyptian people believed that cats were closer to the gods than humans. They worshipped cats and built statues and temples to honor them. Killing cats in ancient Egypt was against the law, so the cats had no enemies. These cats were loved, spoiled, and pampered. The ancient Egyptians loved their cats so much that after they died, the cats were mummified. Their owners wanted to send their beloved furry cats into the afterlife in style.

Why Do People Love Cats So Much?

6 For thousands of years, people have known that cats are very successful at killing rats and mice. And that is one reason why people still have cats as pets. People also love cats because they are smart, soft, cute, and cuddly. In fact, many cat breeds love to be petted and are very loving. People also love cats because they come in all different sizes, shapes, and colors. Listening to cats purr and stroking their soft fur is good for your health. It can lower stress and anxiety and make people feel calm and relaxed. Because of their hunting skills, intelligence, and beauty, cats have made their way into the hearts of millions of people all over the world.


Which sentence from the passage best supports the answer to Part A?

Interesting Facts About Cats

1. Lions spend 16 -20 hours a day sleeping and resting.

2. A group of domestic cats is called a clowder.

3. An adult lion’s roar can be heard up to 5 miles away.

4. Some ginger color tabby cats have freckles around their mouths and on their eyelids.

5. Tigers are the largest wild cats in the world.

6. Domestic cats only meow to talk to humans, not each other.

7. Unlike lions and tigers, cheetahs don’t roar. They purr and make a chirping-like sound to communicate with each other.

8. Sand cats meow like domestic cats and bark like dogs.

9. Nearly all wild cheetahs live in Africa. A few cheetahs live in northeastern Iran.

10. Female domestic cats are right pawed. Males are left pawed.

11. Black-footed cats absorb moisture from food and rarely drink water.

12. Domestic cats make 100 different sounds.

13. Sand cats can run as fast as 25 miles per hour.

14. Black-footed cats communicate with each other using loud calls, purrs, gurgles, growls, and hisses.

15. No two tigers have the same pattern of stripes.

16. The color of the Chinese mountain cat’s fur depends on the season. The fur is gray during the winter and dark brown during the summer.

17. The savannah is the largest domestic cat. It is a cross between the serval and a domestic cat. A serval is a wild cat that lives in Africa.

18. The Egyptian mau is the oldest breed of cat.

19. Chinese mountain cats have excellent hearing. They can hear prey in underground tunnels.

20. Ancient Egyptians kept jungle cats as pets and used them to hunt birds and small game.

21. Jungle cat mummies have been found all over Egypt.

22. A cat’s brain is more similar to a human’s than a dog’s brain.

23. According to the Cat Fanciers Association, there are 44 breeds of domestic cats.

24. Leopards are the strongest of the big cats.

1 pt

Which two wild cats communicate like domestic cats?

Amaterasu and Susanoo — a Japanese folktale

1 Susanoo and Amaterasu were brother and sister. They rarely agreed on anything. Susanoo was the god of the summer storm. He was always angry and didn’t watch where he was going.

2 Amaterasu was the goddess of the Sun. And she brought peace and calm to everything she touched. They could never be together too long because they always got on each other’s nerves. Still, they had a very close bond and always came back together.

3 One day, Susanoo was waiting in the rice fields to see Amaterasu. But he became impatient and upset. He flailed and fumed, and soon Amaterasu’s beautiful rice fields were destroyed. She came and saw what he had done. Amaterasu was upset and ran away and hid herself in a cave.

4 The Earth became cold and dark. People started getting sick and sad. All of the plants started to die. The gods and goddesses saw that this could not go on. They began to play instruments and dance funny dances. Everyone laughed and played faster and louder until Amaterasu poked out her head.

5 "What’s going on?" she asked. The strongest of the gods pulled her out and sealed the cave behind her. They told her she was the most important of them and could not disappear again like that. To this day, she sits the highest in the sky.

1 pt

What is the main idea of the Japanese folktale?

Alexander the Great

1 Alexander the Great was born on July 20, 356 BC in Macedonia (Ancient Greece). His father was King Philip II of Macedon. Alexander’s father trained his son to be a skilled military leader. When Alexander was 13, the famous philosopher, Aristotle, taught him about Greek medicine, philosophy, morals, religion, logic, and art. Alexander would eventually become one of the greatest military leaders in history.

2 After Philip’s death, in 336 BC, Alexander became king of Macedonia. He was only twenty years old, but he was well prepared for leadership. After the death of his father, Alexander decided to increase the Greek empire. In 334 BC, Alexander entered Asia Minor (what is now Turkey) with over 40,000 soldiers and attacked a large Persian army. Alexander’s attack surprised his enemy because he attacked at night and not at daybreak. Alexander’s victory freed several Greek city-states from Persian rule.

3 In 331 BC, Alexander won his greatest victory over the Persians. The Persians thought that Alexander would attack at night. But Alexander attacked at the Persian soldiers at daylight. When the battle finally began, the Persians were tired from staying awake all night. Alexander forced the Persians to run away. Alexander’s skill allowed him to defeat the Persians and take control of Persia.

4 After Alexander defeated his enemies, he allowed people to practice their traditional customs and religion. He also allowed many defeated leaders to keep some of their power. Alexander’s leadership spread quickly across the world. Alexander was proud that had never lost a battle. He also wanted to keep increasing the Greek empire by taking over Egypt.

5 When Alexander reached Egypt, people welcomed him and worshipped him as a pharaoh (king). He founded the city of Alexandria in Egypt. It became one of the most important cities in the ancient world and remains so today. By 332 BC, Syria, Egypt, and Palestine belonged to Alexander. By 327 BC, Alexander had reached India. He wanted to keep marching east, but his troops were tired of fighting and refused to go with Alexander. Alexander had no choice but to return home. Shortly after returning home, Alexander became very sick with a high fever. He died at the age of thirty-two.

1 pt

Why did the author include the map with the passage?