TCAP Success Grade 7 MATH Unit Test 2

TCAP Success Grade 7 MATH Unit Test 2 Sample

1 pt

Bill has $20 to buy a bicycle tire and snacks. The tire costs $12 and snacks cost $1.50 each. Which inequality can be used to determine how many snacks, s, Bill can buy?

1 pt

Doris can pack 460 oranges in 20 minutes. Which of her coworkers packs oranges at the same rate?

1 pt

Jordan’s pay rate is $420.00 per week. She receives a 15% raise. How can she compute her new weekly rate of pay in one step?

1 pt

Which expression is a number divided by the difference of 8 and 5?

1 pt

Which equation is equivalent to:

6x + 2y + 6y = –6 – 2(x + 4)

1 pt

Alex took a cab home. The cab company charges $5.00 + $0.30 per mile. Alex spent $9.50. How many miles was the cab ride?