TCAP Success Grade 3 MATH Unit Test 1

TCAP Success Grade 3 MATH Unit Test 1 Sample

1 pt

Choose the number that makes both these equations true.

18 ÷ 6 = _____

9 × _____ = 27


There are 40 chickens in each of 7 coops at the Eggstra-Ordinary Farm. How many chickens are there in all? Write the expression and answer on the line below.


Frisky is a dog that loves to chase squirrels. Every year he spends 730 hours chasing squirrels. So far this year, he has spent 422 hours chasing squirrels. How many more hours does Frisky expect to chase squirrels this year? Set up the problem on the line below and solve.


Arthur has 3 sets of colored pencils. In all, he has 60 colored pencils. How many colored pencils are in each set? Fill in the blank below.

3 x = 60


If you are given the problem 6 × ? = 54, what number would you use to replace the question mark? Write your answer on the line below.


There are 9 teddy bears in each carton from the Furry Friends Factory. If a store receives 3 cartons of these teddy bears, how many teddy bears does the store receive? Set up the expression you use to solve this problem, and write your answer on the line below.


There were 745 ducks counted in the state park last year. This year, there are 894 ducks in the same state park. How many more ducks are there this year than last year? Use the line below to show your work and answer.