South Carolina English 1 EOCEP Chapter 11

South Carolina English 1 EOCEP Chapter 11 Sample

1 pt

What is the effect of the use of anaphora in Paragraphs 2, 3, and 4 of the speech?

1 pt

What two claims does the speaker make? Is the evidence sufficient to support each claim?

1 pt

Part B

Step 1: As a group, discuss how watching this speech is dramatically different than just reading the speech as many people did in 1941.

Step 2: As a group, discuss if you think President Roosevelt effectively presented his claim and supported his claim with relevant, logical evidence.

Step 3: As a group, discuss if there were any logical fallacies or bias in this speech. Was the message clear? Are important ideas explained?

Step 4: As a group, discuss President Roosevelt’s delivery style: his voice, tone, pitch, hand gestures, and his confidence and comfort level while speaking.