TCAP Success Grade 8 ELA Chapter 7

TCAP Success Grade 8 ELA Chapter 7 Sample

1 pt

Read this sentence from the passage.

"Grandpa Charlie, who is really tall, volunteers three days a week at the library."

The underlined part of the sentence is a(n)

1 pt

Read this sentence from the passage.

"I love helping him pick big, red, juicy tomatoes, and sweet, crunchy, yellow corn."

The underlined portions of the sentence are which type of phrase?

1 pt

Read these two sentences from the passage.

"For a long time, I did not know why Grandpa Charlie kept so busy. Then, my mother told me that after Grandma Patty died, my grandfather became very sad."

Underline the verb phrase in each sentence.

1 pt

Which verb mood does this sentence use?

If you want your allowance, you should see Dad before he leaves.

1 pt

Which verb mood does this sentence use?

I wish I had amazing super powers like Batman.