TCAP Success Grade 6 MATH Chapter 10

TCAP Success Grade 6 MATH Chapter 10 Sample

1 pt

Using the table below, identify the ratio of the most popular color for girls to the most popular color for boys.

1 pt

Kiron and Carl baked 4 dozen white chocolate macadamia nut cookies, 3 dozen oatmeal raisin cookies, and 3 dozen peanut butter crunch cookies. What is the ratio of oatmeal raisin to peanut butter crunch cookies?

1 pt

Jeremy’s dog weighs 12 pounds. His cat weighs 9 pounds. What is the ratio of the cat’s weight to the dog’s weight?

1 pt

Using the table below, identify the ratio of the most popular movie genre of boys to girls.

1 pt

Which group represents equivalent ratios?