TCAP Success Grade 5 Science Post Test

TCAP Success Grade 5 Science Post Test Sample

1 pt

Why are the star charts for January and July different?

1 pt

Source 3 shows which two planets have over 50 moons

1 pt

Ponies are a type of horse that adapted to habitats where there was colder weather and less food for horses. What features of ponies help them live where it is hard for horses to live? Select the two answers that are correct.

1 pt

Baby elephants will squeal and cry for their mothers. This is an example of ?

1 pt

What type of force are Terry and Zion using in Source 2 and Source 3?

1 pt

Which substance in Source 2 underwent a chemical change?

1 pt

The goal of skipping stones is to get the stone to "bounce" several times on the water before it sinks. To do this, throwers must throw sideways to try to hit as wide as area of the water as possible. This provides more

1 pt

Jeral is observing the difference between planets and stars for a school project. What instrument is he most likely using?

1 pt

Sophia tested the weight limits of pencils she used to lift up various objects that had the same size rubber band. The science book broke her pencil. That was the

1 pt

What is the most important variation in mice that affects a house mouse’s chances of survival?