TCAP Success Grade 4 Science Pre Test

TCAP Success Grade 4 Science Pre Test Sample

1 pt Standard: 4ps4.2 DOK: 1

Select the correct answer. If light travels in a straight line, why is it possible to see yourself in a mirror?

1 pt Standard: 4ESS2.4 DOK: 1

Select the correct answer. Which scientific instrument would you use to examine rocks?

1 pt Standard: 4PS4.2 DOK: 1

Select the correct answer. What color of paper caused the most temperature increase?

1 pt Standard: 4ESS1.1,4 DOK: 1

Select the correct answer. In which situation would evaporation most likely occur?

1pt Standard: 4ESS1.2 DOK: 1

Select the correct answer. The planets orbit around the Sun because