TCAP Success Grade 3 Science Post Test

TCAP Success Grade 3 Science Post Test Sample

1pt Standard: 3ps2,2 DOK: 1

Which statement best explains the behavior of one of these groups of magnets?

1 pt Standard: PS1,1 DOK: 2

The table shows four changes made by heating.

Which change cannot be reversed by cooling?

1 pt Standard: ESS2.1 DOK: 2

The diagram shows Patty’s model of the water cycle. She sealed a clear plastic bottle and put it on the window sill in the classroom. When the Sun warmed the bottle, some of the water turned to vapor. Water droplets formed inside and ran down the sides of the bottle. The droplets collected at the bottom of the bottle.
Which diagram shows the labels that correctly complete the model?

1 pt Standard: ESS3,2 DOK: 2

A California mountainside is shown in the diagram. A building company wants to construct a neighborhood in the area marked on the diagram. If you were the builder, which three solutions would you choose to best reduce the threat of landslides for the new neighborhood?

1 pt Standard: ESS2.3 DOK: 3

The graph below shows temperatures for each month of the year. Summer months are usually hot months. Winter months are usually cold months.
Which two statements below are correct about the graph?

1 pt Standard: PS1.3 DOK: 2

The data table below shows the properties of five objects. Which three statements are best supported by the data?

1pt Standard: ESS3.1 DOK: 1

Once upon a time, a hillside in California had plants, bushes and trees. All of the bushes are now crushed by rocks. The trees lean and some are crushed by rocks as well. It hasn’t rained in a long time and there is no heat damage. Based on this evidence, which type of natural disaster caused these changes to the California hillside?

1pt Standard: ESS2.4 DOK: 2

Mrs. Abercrombie’s class studied weather for a city in Sweden. The student’s used online resources to find weather for that city. The table shows the temperature and rainfall data for each season of the year .Based on the data they collected, the students must draw a conclusion about the climate of the city. Which climate best describes the city?

1 pt Standard: PS1,1 DOK: 2

Mrs. Abercrombie gave Bella an object. Bella makes a list of the object’s properties. The table below shows the object’s properties. Bella decides that the object is a solid. Which property is the reason Bella says the object is a soli

1 pt Standard: PSS3.3 DOK: 1

Emily demonstrated how magnets make items move. Look at Emily’s set up. Which one of the items in Emily’s set up moved toward the magnet?