South Carolina US History & Constitution Chapter 4 Review

South Carolina US History & Constitution Chapter 4 Review Sample

1 pt

What did political claims did Southerners support? Select the three answers that are correct.

1 pt

Look at the map to answer the question

This map most likely represents

1 pt

Read the source to answer the question.

My country! ’tis of thee,

Stronghold of slavery,

Of thee I sing:

Land where my fathers died,

Where men man’s rights deride,

From every mountainside,

Thy deeds shall ring.

My native country! thee,

Where all men are born free,

If white their skin:

I love thy hills and dales,

Thy mounts and pleasant vales,

But hate thy Negro sales,

As foulest sin.

… Our Father’s God! To thee,

Author of Liberty,

To thee we sing;

Soon may our land be bright,

With holy freedom’s right,

Protect us by thy might, Great God, our King…

This is a song used by the

1 pt

When the repairman replaces the broken keypad on the Smiths’ dishwasher by simply installing a new keypad, he is using the system of